Re: [Plugins-writers] On the copyright of the Nessus reports...

From: Renaud Deraison (deraison@private)
Date: Wed Dec 10 2003 - 12:44:42 PST

  • Next message: Michael Scheidell: "Re: [Plugins-writers] On the copyright of the Nessus reports..."

    On Wed, Dec 10, 2003 at 03:33:28PM -0500, Michael Scheidell wrote:
    > > 
    > > - If you, as a plugin writer, want to put the text of your plugin in the
    > >   public domain, let me know and I will add a special mention in your
    > >   plugin.
    > My understanding is that every plugin that was submitted was under GPL,
    > and while I might like our company name mentioned in every report of
    > everyone out there who runs nessus (and its commercial cousin, NeWT) I
    > think it might get clumbersom.
    Depends on how this is implemented and if we want explicit copyright
    (names listed), or just implicit (with a tool to do the .nsr <->
    .authors conversion).
    The GPL does not cover the text of the reports - ie: I'm not talking
    about relicensing but clearing up a gray area.
    > Do you think there should be a difference between the GPL's nessus and the
    > commercial version?
    What do you mean by that ?
    > if tenable is using GPL'd plugins, should they mention (somewhere) that
    > there may be additional copyright authors?
    Tenable is using GPL'ed plugins and distributes them with their source
    code. If an author comes to us and does not want to see his plugin being
    used within NeWT, we will rewrite the plugin, because unlike many
    companies making money off Nessus out there, we respect everyone who
    Basically, the idea is not to add pages and pages of names (as they can
    be found from the report), but basically _remind_ everyone that the
    plugins authors have control on the text they write. 
    				-- Renaud
    (*) This is not the case of everyone. Believe it or not, there is a company 
    out there which sells Nessus on an appliance and who routinely says during 
    their training classes that while Marty Roesch is a nice guy (which is true), 
    I'm evil (which not true - hey, I can be a nice guy). Why ? Because I *dared* 
    to forbid them to use because while they live off Nessus, there's no
    mention of it on their website at all.
    Plugins-writers mailing list

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