Re: [Plugins-writers] On the copyright of the Nessus reports...

From: John Q. Public (tpublic@private)
Date: Wed Dec 10 2003 - 14:13:23 PST

  • Next message: Javier Fernandez-Sanguino: "Re: [Plugins-writers] On the copyright of the Nessus reports..."

    I was under the impression that any copyright was to be applied to the code
    itself.  The descriptions of my plugins were modified by Renaud (and not
    disputed by myself) for clarification, but my name is in the plugin for the
    I figure, for whatever purposes, the output is for private use and eligible
    for modification (depending on the audience) without consultation to clarify
    or detail the results of the assessment.
    I certainly would not contest the usage or wording of the description of the
    plugin, because it's less my idea (and concern) than the actions in the code
    On Wed, 10 Dec 2003, Renaud Deraison wrote:
    | There are some confusion about the copyright ownership of a Nessus
    | report. When you think about it, a Nessus report is like a book
    | regarding the security of your network, and as with every book, there
    | are limitations to what you can do with it.
    | Basically, there are two ways to consider a Nessus report :
    | (a) Some people think that since the text is under the GPL, the report is
    | free of rights and basically falls under the public domain.
    | (b) Some people think that a Nessus reports is copyrighted whoever wrote the
    | plugins which appear in the report.
    | Point (a) is a common misconception. I consider that the report is beyond 
    | the scope of the GPL and therefore falls under the "traditional" copyright
    | law. Point (b) is currently implicit, but I think it really is time to
    | underline it.
    | So in order to clear up any doubt about this, I  plan to add a 
    | README.PLUGINS_OUTPUT in nessus-plugins/ and on the Nessus website to clear 
    | up any confusion : I consider that a Nessus report is copyright whoever 
    | wrote the text which appear into it.
    | So I am posting this here :
    | - To request comments from plugins writers on that issue. I am not
    |   interested in endless philosophical debates about the GPL but rather
    |   in implementation issues, ie: should the name of every author be printed
    |   in the Nessus reports ?
    | - If you, as a plugin writer, want to put the text of your plugin in the
    |   public domain, let me know and I will add a special mention in your
    |   plugin.
    | 				-- Renaud
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