Re: [Plugins-writers] Checking NAV

From: Noah Roberts (nroberts@private)
Date: Thu Dec 30 2004 - 12:30:41 PST

Uri Gilad said:
> Hi,
> I have recently spotted the nav_installed.nasl plugin (12106).
> Does it work on XP ?
>  - on XP SP 2 ?
> has anyone had any experience with it ?, it fails utterly on my XP SP2
> machine.

It seems that the antivirus scanners have a few problems:

* Needs full access to registry - in other words Administrator.  Failure
to get this access means the plugin just doesn't report; it is the same
for a negative result so you cannot tell if it is not installed or the
plugin couldn't check!

* Both seem to only scan for specific product versions and not others. 
For instance, the Norton version only checks the DEFWATCH_10 data item
when it should also check NAVCORP_70, NAVNT_50_AP1, NAV95_50_AP1, and
NAV9x_50_NAVW.  My version uses the NAVNT_50_AP1 item and when it didn't
find DEFWATCH_10 it just continues and says Norton is installed and
working even though I purposfully had way out of date vdefs!  McAfee has
similar problems with the added problem that it scans the date wrong now
(sometime back they changed the format of that data item and the plugin
uses the old way).

Basically, they are useless plugins that only work correctly under very
exacting circumstances and don't report problems adiquately to actually
use to verify that an antivirus is installed or not.  I had planned on
using nessus to check for SP2 and antivirus software in conjunction with
NetReg, but because of these problems it just won't work dependably as is.
 It might be possible to fix these issues, I don't know.  In one case I
couldn't get nessus to log into the remote machine correctly even though I
gave it numerous ways in including blank admin passwords!

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