Re: [Plugins-writers] snmp communication

From: Renaud Deraison (deraison@private)
Date: Wed Sep 27 2006 - 06:35:42 PDT

On Sep 27, 2006, at 9:24 AM, Douglas Nordwall wrote:

> thanks! that did the trick on the display
> However, that really wasn't the core question :) I'm interested to  
> know why I can snmpget with the proper community name and get back  
> that oid, yet nessus doesn't. It seems a little off, as  
> snmpwalk_portscan.nasl does actually work and get the community name.

First, your original code contains :

   desc = snmp_request(socket:soc, community:community, oid:".1.3");

[oid should be set to "1.3", not ".1.3"]

However, it seems what you really want is to iterate through the  
whole space under 1.3.x so you really want to do :

  desc = scan_snmp_string (socket:soc, community:community, oid:"1.3");

				-- Renaud
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