FC: Miami Herald reports Florida cops knew law is unconstitutional

From: Declan McCullagh (declanat_private)
Date: Tue Jun 26 2001 - 22:41:25 PDT

  • Next message: Declan McCullagh: "FC: A Canadian view on tech firms, broadband, and corporate pork"

    [Thanks to Google's cache, I've read some articles by Dennis Cooper, the 
    editor and publisher of "Key West The Newspaper" who was arrested last 
    week. Without the backing of a major corporation and relying only on his 
    own wits, reporting skills, and news judgement, Cooper has served as a 
    voice of the community and a gadfly to the local political establishment. 
    He's doing the kind of investigative writing that more of us big-city 
    journalists should be doing, and it's no surprise that the local politicos 
    and cops want to shut him up. PS: The Miami Herald misspelled the name of a 
    federal judge. The correct spelling is William Zloch, in case you want to 
    look up his opinion. --Declan]
    Date: Tue, 26 Jun 2001 23:32:23 -0400
    From: "Rick G. Karr" <neuunitat_private>
    To: declanat_private
    Subject: Re: FC: Police arrest newspaper editor for criticizing Florida cops
    Declan --
    This story is available from the Miami Herald at:
    (Link from Jim Romanesko's Medianews: http://www.poynter.org/medianews)
    The governing statute has apparently been ruled unconstitutional several
    times. Question is, why is it still on the books?
    Rick Karr
    Cultural Correspondent
    National Public Radio News
    Date: Tue, 26 Jun 2001 22:57:49 -0700
    To: Declan McCullagh <declanat_private>
    From: John Young <jyaat_private>
    Subject: Re: Police arrest newspaper editor for criticizing Florida cops
    Cc: Officeat_private, postmasterat_private, SSolaresat_private,
             Attorneyat_private, JAvaelat_private,
             BDillonat_private, JWeekleyat_private,
             TomOat_private, merilimccoyat_private, cpcjrat_private,
             HBethelat_private, JAnthonyat_private, carmenturnat_private,
             emcat_private, cypherpunksat_private
    In-Reply-To: <>
    We will publish the informative articles on our site cryptome.org
    when they arrive.
    John Young
    Date: Tue, 26 Jun 2001 22:23:13 -0700
    From: Anthony Mournian <mournianat_private>
    To: declanat_private
    CC: politechat_private, Officeat_private, postmasterat_private,
             SSolaresat_private, Attorneyat_private,
             JAvaelat_private, BDillonat_private,
             JWeekleyat_private, TomOat_private,
             merilimccoyat_private, cpcjrat_private, HBethelat_private,
             JAnthonyat_private, carmenturnat_private,
             emcat_private, cypherpunksat_private
    Subject: Re: FC: Police arrest newspaper editor for criticizing Florida cops
    References: <>
    Dear Mayor of Key West, and dear Chief of Police of Key West,
    I'm not a journalist, just an ordinary, run of the mill US Citizen, and
    I am wondering what the cowboys are doing in Florida!
    I am amazed, but ill impressed at the actions reported by on-line
    journalist Declan McCullagh <declanat_private>. Your town lies 90 miles
    north of a Communist dictatorship, but it would seem to have been swept
    south by ill winds of fear and paranoia.
    If there is a RIGHT which Americans take seriously, hold near, and very
    dear, it is the First Amendment right of Freedom of the Press. For
    Shame, Key West, for actions as brutish as Tienaman Square! Your arrest
    of Dennis Cooper reflects either fear of exposure of worse wrongs than
    Cooper has reported, or a total lack of understanding or respect for the
    US Constitution. In light of the recent election results coming out of
    Florida, I suspect it is a combination of the two.
    Anthony Mournian
    San Diego, California
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