FC: Judge orders ISP to reveal identity of university critic

From: Declan McCullagh (declanat_private)
Date: Tue Oct 23 2001 - 12:09:46 PDT

  • Next message: Declan McCullagh: "FC: Be careful before self-rating: You may find your site deleted"

    [Two thoughts: (1) This is yet another example of spineless, craven 
    university administrators. (2) Anyone who's going to criticize said 
    spineless, craven university administrators should rely on technology -- 
    not the law -- to protect their anonymity. Thanks to Ian for forwarding. 
    From: "D. Ian Hopper" <ihopperat_private>
    To: "Declan McCullagh" <declanat_private>
    Subject: Different topic...
    Date: Tue, 23 Oct 2001 12:03:55 -0400
    Message-ID: <NDBBLKAPMMCGKEJOBIOEEEAKCFAA.ihopperat_private>
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    ^Magistrate: University's Web critics must be revealed; school wants to sue
    for defamation<
    ¶   ALEXANDRIA, La. (AP) _ A Web hosting company must reveal the anonymous
    people behind an Internet site that has called the administration at the
    University of Louisiana-Monroe incompetent and accused top officials of
    lying, a magistrate ordered.
    ¶   The information must be provided to Richard Baxter, the university's
    vice president for external affairs, who wants to file a defamation lawsuit.
    The magistrate also ordered Homestead Technologies Inc. to provide computer
    logs of all people who have posted, published or provided any content to the
    ¶   An unopposed motion asking for the information was filed last week in
    federal court. The order, which was signed Thursday, was made public Monday.
    ¶   Baxter declined comment about the court order, as did Michael Rymes, who
    represents the people behind the Web site.
    ¶   In his petition asking for the order, Baxter cited examples of what he
    called "extreme, outrageous and malicious content" on the site:
    ¶   _ That outgoing university president Lawson Swearingen has converted
    funds from the university's athletic foundation to a slush fund.
    ¶   _ That Swearingen has lied to university boosters who have been "conned,
    stiffed and lied to by a dishonorable man."
    ¶   _ That "Baxter's job is to make sure that Swearingen's incompetence and
    the university's state of decline under Swearingen are kept undercover."
    Yahoo apparently hasn't picked it up yet, so I can't offer a URL. But that's
    the entire piece.
    - Ian.
     > D. Ian Hopper
     > AP Technology Writer
     > 2021 K St., 6th Floor, Washington DC 20006
     > W: 202.776.9595 | Cell: 202.415.9595 | F: 801.991.3356
     > Office e-mail: ihopperat_private | Mobile e-mail: ihopperat_private
     > AIM: dihopper | PGP key at certserver.pgp.com
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