FC: FBI reorganization highlights anti-computer crime efforts

From: Declan McCullagh (declanat_private)
Date: Tue Dec 04 2001 - 16:19:34 PST

  • Next message: Declan McCullagh: "FC: Digital Angel launches human, animal GPS tracking system"

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            U.S. Department of Justice, Federal Bureau of Investigation
         For Immediate Release
         December 3, 2001
         Washington D.C.
         FBI National Press Office
         Photograph of Director Mueller
         Reorganization Chart
         Expanded Breakdown of Reorganization
         BIOS of Executive Assistant Directors
         Congress approved, and today the Director implemented, a
         restructuring plan for Headquarters, Federal Bureau of
         Investigation (FBI), the first step in what will be a phased
         process of reorganizing assets, modernizing and integrating new
         technology, and consolidating functions. This reorganization was
         considered and approved by the Attorney General's Strategic
         Management Council and will serve as the foundation as the FBI
         redefines priorities and missions in the coming months.
         This reorganization, the need for which is widely accepted within
         the FBI community, is consistent with the recommendations from
         several studies and inquiries, and recognizes new challenges and
         responsibilities. Among other things, it seeks to increase the
         emphasis in counterterrorism, counterintelligence, cybercrimes, and
         relations with state and local law enforcement. It also seeks to
         provide the vehicle for a vastly enhanced information technology
         upgrade, expanded training for the FBI workforce at all levels,
         improved security, and improved capabilities for FBI investigators,
         analysts, forensic examiners, and other specialists.
         The major elements of the first phase of the Headquarters
         reorganization effort include the creation of four new Executive
         Assistant Director positions to oversee key FBI functions.
         The positions and their designated heads include:
         * Executive Assistant Director for Criminal Investigations - To be
           headed by Ruben Garcia, Jr., 23-year FBI veteran who was formerly
           the Assistant Director of the Criminal Investigative Division.
         * Executive Assistant Director for
           Counterterrorism/Counterintelligence - To be headed by Dale L.
           Watson, currently the Assistant Director for the Counterterrorism
           Division. Mr. Watson entered the Bureau in 1978 and has served
           continually in intelligence and counterterrorism roles since 1982.
           In 1996, he was named the Deputy Chief of the CIA's
           Counterterrorist Center at CIA Headquarters.
         * Executive Assistant Director for Law Enforcement Services - To be
           headed by 23-year veteran Kathleen L. McChesney. Currently the
           Assistant Director of the FBI Training Division, she has served as
           Special Agent in Charge of the Portland, Oregon and Chicago Field
         * Executive Assistant Director for Administration - To be headed by
           Robert J. Chiaradio, currently an assistant to FBI Director Robert
           Mueller. A veteran of the FBI since 1984, Chiaradio was previously
           the Special Agent in Charge of the Tampa Field Office and the
           Chief of Staff for the FBI Deputy Director.
         FBI divisions and offices will realign under one of these four
         Executive Assistant Directors who report through the offices of the
         Director/Deputy Director. This reorganization step effectively
         narrows the supervisory span of control and will greatly increase
         efficiency, accountability and oversight.
         Two new divisions have also been created to increase emphasis on
         computer-facilitated crimes and security. The Cybercrime Division
         will address intellectual property investigations, as well as high
         tech and computer crimes. The Security Division will be responsible
         for ensuring the integrity of FBI employees, contractors, visitors,
         information systems, and facilities.
         Also a part of this phase of reorganization is the opening of four
         new offices: Law Enforcement Coordination for improving FBI
         coordination with state and local law enforcement and information
         sharing; Chief Technology Officer reporting directly to the Office
         of the Director and charged with the implementation of the ongoing
         critical information technology projects; Office of Records
         Management whose function is the modernization of FBI records,
         including management policies and processes; and the Intelligence
         Office charged with enhancing analytical and intelligence
         capabilities, particularly in the critical counterterrorism and
         counterintelligence areas.
         The Investigative Services Division will be disbanded as a result
         of this reorganization and its important responsibilities and
         assets integrated into current or newly created components as
         Attached to this release is an expanded breakdown of the
         Headquarters Phase I reorganization, an organizational chart
         showing the new realignments and biographical information on the
         newly appointed Executive Assistant Directors.
         The second phase of Headquarters reorganization, which will deal
         with changes at the Divisional and Office levels of the FBI, will
         focus on such areas as eliminating duplication, consolidating
         functions, and realigning resources.
         When coupled with new hiring priorities aimed at special skill
         sets, workforce development initiatives, and a particular emphasis
         on developing an overarching leadership climate at every level of
         Bureau operations, Phase II reorganization promises measurable
         enhancements in tune with new law enforcement challenges and
         The reorganization of FBI Headquarters is part of the Director's
         comprehensive plan to address not only the new challenges of
         terrorism, but to modernize and streamline the Bureau's more
         traditional functions so that it may better serve not only its law
         enforcement partners, but the nation.
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