FC: An ICANN board member's yearlong quest to review financial info

From: Declan McCullagh (declanat_private)
Date: Tue Dec 04 2001 - 14:56:24 PST

  • Next message: Declan McCullagh: "FC: California sells birth records of its citizens"

    [Forwarded from Dave Farber's IP list; I invite ICANN representatives to 
    reply. Background on Karl's relationship with ICANN (and campaign for a 
    board seat last year: 
    http://www.politechbot.com/cgi-bin/politech.cgi?name=Auerbach --Declan]
    >Date: Mon, 3 Dec 2001 13:52:32 -0800 (PST)
    >From: Karl Auerbach <karlat_private>
    >To: David Farber <daveat_private>
    >Here's more on my now year-long quest to inspect ICANN's records:
    >A Director of virtually any corporation in the US has several rights and
    >The obligation side of the equation is very strong - it's called a
    >"fiduciary" duty, which is one of most stringent obligations that our
    >legal system can impose on a person.  As part of that duty, a Director is
    >compelled to exercise his or her *independent* judgement.  The ability of
    >a Director to elect to rely upon the judgement of others is very tightly
    >As a Director I could be personally liable for corporate misdeeds.  There
    >are laws that protect some directors, but they are largely really not much
    >more than rice-paper walls that may easily be pierced.
    >In other words, there are big Swords of Damocleas that hang above
    >The legal system recognizes that it is useless to impose responsibility on
    >Directors without also giving them, each of them individually, the powers
    >to become informed so that they may make informed judgements. To that end
    >the law gives Directors strong powers to inquire into every aspect of a
    >corporation's operations.
    >Under the California corporations code that governs
    >non-profit/public-benefit corporations (such as ICANN) those rights are
    >         6334.  Every director shall have the absolute right at any
    >         reasonable time to inspect and copy all books, records and documents
    >         of every kind and to inspect the physical properties of the
    >         corporation of which such person is a director.
    >It's not often that a legislature underscores that a right is "absolute".
    >This right to inspect and copy not a collective power that may be
    >exercised only by the board acting in concert.  Rather it is a distinct
    >power that exists in each and every Director - it may be exercised upon
    >the independent discretion of each Director.
    >And a Director is not required to indicate to corporate management the
    >purpose of his or her inspection or what he or she is looking for.
    >I have asked to inspect ICANN's financial records along with several other
    >documents (such as the employee handbook and proprietary rights
    >agreements, if any, that govern employee conduct).  I have also asked to
    >review the billing statements and conflict waiver requests from those who
    >render professional services to ICANN - that's a natural part of my role
    >on ICANN's "conflicts" committee, but it is a request that I could make
    >even were I not on the conflicts committee.
    >In my experience as a Director of various corporations, inspection of the
    >corporate financial records is a good way to inquire as to the efficiency
    >and behavior of corporate management.  In most corporations, requests such
    >as mine are quickly and fully answered by management without stonewalling,
    >without demands for restrictive covenants that would force a Director to
    >surrender his or her rights of independent judgement, and without
    >statements from management that more than implicitly assert that the
    >Director has some nefarious purpose.
    >One must remember that those fiduciary obligations that I mentioned impose
    >upon a Director an obligation of loyalty to the corporation.  That
    >obligation generally requires that a Director keep confidential that
    >corporate information that is, in-fact, confidential.  However, the
    >Director is not compelled to blindly and unthinkingly accept any
    >self-serving labels of confidentiality that corporate management may chose
    >to apply.
    >I made my initial request to inspect the financial records - in particular
    >the general ledger - more than a year ago.  Despite repeated efforts and
    >requests, I still have not been allowed to see those records.
    >Oh, ICANN's management will say that they have afforded an opportunity;
    >that I merely need to sign away my duty of independent judgement, that I
    >merely need to allow corporate management to bind me in advance in how I
    >may review the activities of that very same management; that I allow
    >management to set conditions on the inspection that are so limiting that
    >they would render any such inspection marginal and superficial.
    >To sign these agreements would be to abandon my Director's obligations of
    >independent judgement - I would be agreeing to allow my decisions to be
    >controled by ICANN's management - by exactly the same people whose actions
    >I am obligated to review.
    >To add insult to injury the "agreements" that ICANN has demanded that I
    >sign are cast in the most condescending of language and contain unfounded
    >assertions against my personal integrity.
    >All of this has occurred for the most part outside of the public eye.
    >And even if I do gain access to corporate records the information that I
    >review will almost certainly remain inaccessible to the public - My
    >obligation of loyalty to the corporation demands that I use the
    >information only to improve the corporation and it is unlikely that
    >disclosure would further that obligation.  But one can not agree in
    >advance, as ICANN's management is demanding, that disclosure may never
    >occur.  For example: In the unlikely event that I were to discover
    >information that must be disclosed - such as evidence of criminal activity
    >- then, of course, my duties would be affected accordingly.
    >ICANN's management has demonstrated over the course of the last year that
    >it has an institutional hostility and an intent to preventing me from
    >carrying out my duties as a Director of the Corporation.
    >My recourse is to either abandon my obligations as a Director or to
    >initiate such steps outside of the corporate boundaries as are consistent
    >with my obligation of loyalty to the corporation.
    >Such steps cost money, potentially lots of money.
    >                 --karl--
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