Pedro writes about technology for El Pais, Spain's most influential newspaper (he is also someone I met both in Madrid and in Huesca, when I was speaking at the III Congreso Nacional de Periodismo Digital, earlier this year). Previous Politech message: "Jose Guardia on Spain's website regulation plan: Not that bad" -Declan --- From: "Pedro de Alzaga" <pedroaat_private> To: <declanat_private>, <josegat_private> Subject: Spanish law not that bad? Date: Fri, 26 Apr 2002 18:39:52 +0200 Declan and José, let me put some quick facts on the table (I'm working right now): 1.- The european directive that should be the base of the Internet laws in every member state of the EU talks about "e-commerce". Spanish law (LSSI) talks about "Information Society". The european directive is half the size of the spanish law. 2.- Just a simple cuestion about the "Jurisdiction authority" (autoridad competente): Who decides wich is the jurisdiction authority to close an electronic magazine with a shop? The burocrat of the Department of State? The bucrocrat of the Department of Commerce? Even if they are right or not, even if all the "warranties from the existing legislation are applied", the damage will be done long before any judge could hear about the process (six months, one year, two years...). As José Guardia says: "(...)Continental Europe's legal systems need to fill any legal void as much as possible in an explicit way(...)". So why don't we "fill any legal void as much as possible in an explicit way" saying the simple magic words "judge authority"? Why the Government is so "concerned" about this possibility? 3.- Alfons López Tena, one of the members of Consejo General del Poder Judicial (Judicial Power General Council), is the author of the "dissenting opinion" expressed, according to José Guardia, "basically for formal reasons". Any law affecting constitutional rights should be presented to the Parliament as Ley Orgánica, a higher legislation level that requires more support from the Congress. LSSI was not presented in this way. This is "the formal reason" Mr. Tena is affraid of. I agree with José Guardia: this is not as terrible as many politicians say, but it is really important for the Internet in Spain. I'm not a politician nor a lawyer, I'm just a journalist and a spanish citizen who wants a law "not that bad". --- From: Montse Doval Avendaño <mdovalat_private> To: <declanat_private> References: <> Subject: Re: Jose Guardia on Spain's website regulation plan: Not that bad Date: Fri, 26 Apr 2002 11:58:27 +0200 Organization: BCSC MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-Priority: 3 X-MSMail-Priority: Normal I had already this debate with José Guardia in another list. I think is not estrictly exact with the facts to say that the opponents to the law are either the political oposition or people with profound ignorance about laws. The concerns about this law are not superficial or PR movements in some kind of dark conspiration against this Spanish Government. In LSSI there is a list of principles that if a content in a web site attempts "or could attempt" to them, the web site can be banned and I already said in a previous message that who cares if a judge or a Government employee can decide so. It is the first time, since we have a democracy in Spain, that a list of contents are prohibited and I think that is very alarming. Besides that, previous to a court decision a Government authority can decide to put fines as high as 60.000 euros (around 54.000 $) just because you didn't write your identity in the front page of your web site or you had those prohibited contents in your web site. I don't want to risk to translate that list of principles that can't be harmed but some are national security, public order... Could the Pentagon papers be published in a nation with this LSSI law? I doubt that. I'm really concerned about how little importance some people give to the right of information and how much they trust their Governments. I think they made the wrong choice. Montse ------------------------------------------------------------------------- POLITECH -- Declan McCullagh's politics and technology mailing list You may redistribute this message freely if you include this notice. To subscribe to Politech: This message is archived at Declan McCullagh's photographs are at ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sign this pro-therapeutic cloning petition: -------------------------------------------------------------------------
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