Re-RSA and large numbers

From: Adam Berent (adminat_private)
Date: Tue May 01 2001 - 09:11:40 PDT

  • Next message: Justin Young: "Re: How many people write secure programs?"

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    Thank you for all your replies.
    I have looked at the gnu math libraries and frankly they make me want to blow my brains out.  There are about a hundred source files.  I don't even know where too start.  Anyways I found another free math library called FreeLIP.  It only has 4 source file 2 of which are .h files.  This makes it possible to learn it in a reasonable period of time.
    However I would like to know what the trick is.  Some people suggested storing the numbers in a string.  This seems a bit crude and would probably be too slow.  Does anyone know how these libraries work, at least in theory.  I suspect the large numbers get broken down or factored into smaller ones.  On the other hand factoring is also slow.  Please give me a hint :)
    Also I would just like to mention that I know about and other free cryptographic libraries.  However I would like to do this just for fun.  Have to start somewhere if I want to learn about cryptography.
    Thanks for all your replies.  This is really a great list.
    Adam Berent
    Get your free email @

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