Re: secprog Digest 8 Dec 2002 02:29:20 -0000 Issue 121

From: David Wheeler (dwheelerat_private)
Date: Thu Dec 12 2002 - 06:55:33 PST

  • Next message: David Wheeler: "Security Education - presentation experience"

    > Subject: A "straw man" vulnerability auditing checklist
    > From: "Steven M. Christey" <coleyat_private>
    > Date: Wed, 4 Dec 2002 19:47:51 -0500 (EST)
    > To: secprogat_private
    > Dana Epp asked:
    >>Would anyone like to share the sort of materials that resulted from
    >>education in their workplace? Anyone interested in sharing generic
    >>security tests they may have developed? Guidelines for code audits and
    >>reviews (past Fagan-style type inspection)?
    Antonomasia then replied:
     > It's quite handy but could do with an example in each section.  Some faults
     > could be categorised in a number of ways and it's hard to be sure the
     > same fault doesn't appear twice under a different title.  Also the list of
     > titles may not help much - does
     >     "3e. Missing/repeated/extra separator or delimiter"
     > mean things like a PGP 2 fingerprint having different interpretations
     > depending on key size ?
    Clarifying these entries somewhat would be fine.  However, if the reader
    doesn't already know what these are, you need more than an example... you need
    an explanation of WHY it's a problem, and information how to fix it.
    At that point, you need a book.. but there's already one freely available
    Unix/Linux systems, see:
    If you want a checklist, I suggest working to keep it short & clear,
    possibly with URL links to elsewhere for more information.

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