Insecurities in Non-exclusive Scoket Binding

From: Firosh Ummer (firosh.ummerat_private)
Date: Sun Mar 09 2003 - 20:18:51 PST

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    I've written a paper on the risks in non-exclusive socket binding, and how
    developers can mitigate the risks. Using MySQL as an illustration, the 
    paper discusses how attackers could potentially hijack  sockets bound by a 
    higher privilged process, and inject commands in the stream. This is a 
    local privilege escalation attack, and is easier to do than one would 
    Link to the paper:
    Socket hijacking itself is not new - it has been cited in several sources 
    on the net. What I find disturbing is how easy it is for an attacker to 
    hijack a privileged connection and then insert privileged commands, 
    running with very low privileges.
    Would appreciate any feedback/suggestions on improving the paper.
    Thanks & regards,
    Firosh Ummer
    Paladion Networks

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