Re: jobs ANOTHER aspect: titles

From: Aspiring Adm (aspiring_admat_private)
Date: Fri Feb 18 2000 - 14:13:09 PST

  • Next message: Pete Pfeiffer: "Re: Jobs thread, CISSP, et al."

    Hi there!
    I am following the jobs discussion closely and already gained several
    insights from it.
    But, as a person who plan to enter security field soon (1 year), I am
    curious about all this positions that surface in this list and elsewhere.
    SO, can anybody enlighten me what is the difference between:
    1. security admin
    2. security architect
    3. security analyst
    4. security engineer
    5. security consultant
    (actually, there are a couple more of those that didn't spring to my mindf
    right now)
    Thanks for the info.
    Aspiring Adm
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