Security analyst seeking remote job

From: Octavian Popescu (octavat_private)
Date: Thu Apr 26 2001 - 13:34:44 PDT

  • Next message: Crispin Cowan: "Re: Network Security, degree or not degree"

    Romanian security analyst seeking job in: security consulting, penetration
    testing (on Linux, Windows NT/2000 systems),  vulnerability research
    (reverse engineering, application security - including applications designed
    for web or e-commerce etc.)
    Requirements: 100% remote work (except for companies located in Europe which
    are willing to pay the travel expenses)
    Skills and experience:
    - Over five years of experience in remote and local penetration testing,
    intrusion detection and recovery.
    - Extensive experience in source code auditing, especially for web or
    e-commerce applications.
    - Strong network administration and network programming background.
    - In depth computer forensics knowledge, including steganography and
    advanced data recovery techniques.
    - Extensive experience in shell-level security on Linux/BSD systems.
    - Extensive experience in security auditing of Linux and Windows NT/2K
    Resume and references available on request.
    Thank you.

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