RE: Random Thoughts from the "Peanut Gallery"

From: Steve (steveat_private)
Date: Wed Jun 20 2001 - 16:38:05 PDT

  • Next message: Joyce Brocaglia: "Security Network Operations Manager - OH - #42"

    >I think that it is not all that bad for everyone out there.  Making bold
    >general statements about recruiters and other consulting companies is
    >presenting a picture that is not necessarily true.
    Well, for the most part, I agree with Ken's statements about 
    recruiters.  *MOST* of them do not actually care about their target, they 
    simply want to fill a position and collect their pay.  The exception to 
    this from my experiences is the team at LJ Kushner and the guys at TeKData 
    in Vancouver.
    >It is obvious from your message that you are bidder about your situation but
    >that does not mean other people are all in the same situation and that all
    >recruiters are twits.
    It is very unfortunate, but there are more "twit" recruiters out there than 
    good ones.
    >Last but not least,  I have seen big five consultants that are damn good,
    >just like any other field out there, you have good and bad apples.  Making a
    >general statement saying all big five consultants are useless or comparing
    >them to bad recruiters is not giving a real view of what is going on.  I
    >know some big five consultants that could most certainly teach you a few
    I agree with you here.  I have met and worked with some guys at E&Y who are 
    very technical and very good at their jobs.  But, on the other hand, I have 
    met some others at another Big 5 (starts with a K) that did not have a 
    clue.  So again your mileage will vary and when you are interviewing with a 
    Big 5 -- be sure to talk to their delivery teams and technical people -- 
    when you are looking for work, it is your responsibility to interview the 
    company just as they interview you.
    >The best point in your posting is about Networking,  you have to let you
    >close friends know that you looking for employment,  it is sometimes very
    >strange how offers comes by.
    This works best.  That is how I found my last two jobs.
    >In my view there is tons of jobs opportunities if you talk to the right
    >people and have the right skills.
    I disagree -- things are not as good as they used to be.  Regardless of who 
    you know and what your skills are, if a company cannot afford to hire or 
    cannot justify it -- they won't if they do -- they are doing a disservice 
    to themselves and you.
    >It is not as bad as you describe for everyone out there.
    But it is worse than it used to be and will probably continue to be for 
    another 6 months or so.

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