Re: A question regarding Australian job market

From: Paul Rathborn (adminat_private)
Date: Tue Jul 10 2001 - 05:57:31 PDT

  • Next message: Kurt: "More online articles on Information Systems Security Professional"

    Depends what you wanna do. If you have industry experience or some kind of
    IT sec education, then you may be able to score a job working with a IT
    security company around Sydney or Melbourne. With that said though, we
    just had another bullshit law being pushed by the gov in August, if it
    goes through it's going to make access of network scanners and security
    tools very difficult to use in Australia, If it goes through, it's just
    demented. Script kiddies, crackers and blackhats care nothing for laws,
    probably just make it more exciting for them anyway, and leaves the
    whitehats facing potential fines for combating them and auditing systems.
    The security industry here is apposing the law, so we'll see what happens.
    Hope that little rant hasn't put you off mate :) our women, climate and
    beer make up for what the government lack :)))
    Hi all,
    I hope there is somebody from Australia reading this list. I am thinking
    of moving to Australia next year. Can somebody tell me what the situation
    in network security jobs is now there? demand/offer/salaries/conditions?
    :) is it possible to find a job in this field in Australia before coming
    there - sitting somewhere in Europe (provided that I obtain permanent
    residence before that). Is it difficult to get sponsored to move down
    there? et cetera, et cetera... All information regarding network security
    in Australia is welcome :)

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