Maybe OT, but maybe not - worm rates and layoff rates

From: J. J. Horner (jhornerat_private)
Date: Thu Aug 16 2001 - 12:13:51 PDT

  • Next message: Rodrigo Henriquez: "Looking for a job."

    I've been wondering lately if we can expect to see an increase
    in the number and potency of worm/mass exploit cases now that
    the IT market is going into a contraction.
    If companies are going through layoffs, it isn't unreasonable
    to expect that some of the positions being cut are 
    security/experienced admin positions.  A small company with
    only a few machines may expect to be able to cut IT staff and 
    rely on other position holders to take up the slack, i.e.
    a DBA now has to admin an IIS installation.
    Is this a feasible concept?  How likely are we to see something
    like this?  Considering the relative lack of knowledge among
    most PHBs about security and security professionals, it isn't
    unreasonable to expect that someone with an arcane/mysterious
    job description is the first to go.
    J. J. Horner
    Freedom is an all-or-nothing proposition:  either we 
    are completely free, or we are subjects of a
    tyrannical system.  If we lose one freedom in a
    thousand, we become completely subjugated.

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