Advice on entering the security field (training, qualifications etc..)

From: Mark (fat_boyat_private)
Date: Thu Jan 31 2002 - 03:13:37 PST

  • Next message: Gavin Smith: "Communications Consultant/Project Manager (with Security Experien ce)"

    I am based in Scotland and extremely interested in entering the security
    I have the usual background in IT and unsurprisingly I have been reading
    all the texts, playing with all the tools and reading all the mailing
    lists etc.. for the past 4 years.
    My question is, how do I formalize my self-taught education with
    qualifications/accreditation that is meaningful to a potential employer.
    Specifically, assuming that I am funding it myself, what qualifications
    should I sit?
    Is there such a thing as a "Institute of Security.." that I can join?
    I have been actively looking for a position recently but the combination
    of the down turn in the market and every job looking for a different
    accreditation I have been unsuccessful.
    Any advice would be appreciated.

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