Boston area Security Architect/CISSP looking for new position

From: Christopher M. Arnold (
Date: Tue Jul 02 2002 - 11:02:22 PDT

  • Next message: Gianfranco Trapani: "Security Consultant / Security Architect role - South East UK"

    Hello, everyone.  A recent company closing has left me looking for new
    professional digs.  Boston area headscalpers are decidedly less than
    responsive and employers seem to be in holding patterns.  At any rate, I'm
    looking for a new position which would ultimately be some combination of
    group/project management, architect and individual technical contributor.
    In the past I have worked in a variety of industries (start-up, small
    consultancies, academic, e-com development/hosting, engineering/ 
    manufacturing) doing a variety of things (InfoSec Architect, hardcore Unix
    admin, FW/VPN/IDS admin/implementer, network admin, security evangelist)
    with a variety of technologies (too many to list).  My current interests
    include single authentication implementations (LDAP, ADS, etc.) for
    identity management, central logging and event detection/correlation/
    response, user education programs and privacy/legal/HIPPA/GLBA/ISO17799 
    I am fairly open to the industry and location I will work in.  I don't
    mind travel and/or telecommuting.  One of my primary concerns will be
    staying in New England (mostly) for another 12-18 months.  Another will be
    hopefully spending a few good years with a group in order to see long-term
    projects pay off.  I could also be interested in project-based
    consulting/contracting as well.
    If you have any interest in discussing options, please feel free to email
    me.  I will be more than happy to provide a resume and stellar references
    for the appropriate position.  Please, do not bother to respond if you do
    not truly have an open position which you are not actively recruiting for;
    I can find those well enough on my own, thank you very much.
    Christopher Arnold, CISSP

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