Re: Sr. Security Consultants

From: DocValde (DocValdeat_private)
Date: Mon Aug 19 2002 - 16:32:33 PDT

  • Next message: Jim Truitt: "Resume - Information Systems Security Professional"

    Hallo Michael Henry,
    am Montag, 19. August 2002 um 23:56:47 schrieben Sie:
    MH> On Mon, Aug 19, 2002 at 04:59:32PM -0400, Hornat, Charles wrote:
    >> Just a question for the group, how is employment as a security engineer with a
    >> consulting company today?  Is it as good, better or worse than working directly
    >> for a company?  I know consulting was
    >> the way to go a few years ago, but is it the same today?
    MH> Interesting question, I would like to see what everyone else says.
    MH> From my experience being a consultant is the only way to go in the
    MH> Denver area.  Very few people seem to be hiring full time information
    MH> security people here.  There seems to be a need for security work,
    MH> however.  This makes for lots of short term contracts.
    MH> The company I am currently working with has been keeping a constant
    MH> flow of short term work.  This is mainly due to a VERY aggressive 
    MH> sales guy.
    MH> I -think- much of the market is like that at the moment.
    MH> If my last company didnt relocate me from NYC before laying me off,
    MH> I may have reported something differently.
    MH> It may be time to leave the tech world and open a bar, anyone with me?
    MH> :-)
    MH> Thats my 3.14159 cents.
    MH> Michael Henry
    MH> Security BOFH
    MH> Longmont, CO
    Obviously  similar  in  Germany.  Even  large  companies like it to pay alot for
    external  security consultants instead of having their own ones. There is enough
    work  to  be  done - but nobody does it. Only spots, temporary projects are done
    with  the  help of consultants, but the lacks of the whole infrastructure cannot
    be fixed like that.
    That is my 2,71828 Euro-Cents from the view of an part-time network/security admin.
    At which beach do you want your bar to be opened?
    If there is no internet connection available, i am with you.
    Malte von dem Hagen
    Student of IT-Security
    Ruhr-University of Bochum, Germany
    eMail: DocValdeat_private

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