Re: [bug]: Cause IE 5.X to crash

From: Stan (stanat_private)
Date: Sun May 06 2001 - 04:01:22 PDT

  • Next message: Derek Kwan: "Re: [bug]: Cause IE 5.X to crash"

    On my WinME computer only the IE window that is open will crash when
    going to ftp://whatever//.#./
    But when I type in ftp://whatever//.#./ and I backspace the first '.' then all
    IE windows will close. This problem is also available when I type
    ftp://whatever//#./ and I add a '.' before the '#'. IE will close before
    having pressed
    the enter button. I noticed it also worked when I typed this at the
    you don't even have to click 'ok'.
    With regards,
    Stan a.k.a. ThePike
    At 00:34 5-5-2001 +0200, you wrote:
    >I have discover the last week end the following bug :
    >By putting this malformed link on a web page a malicious
    >user could crash all the IE windows. It also work by passing the link
    >directly into the address field of IE.
    >Affected version :
    >IE 5.5 sp1 for WIN 98 / 98 SE /2000 / 2000 sp1
    >IE 5.5 for WIN 98 / 98 SE /2000 / 2000 sp1
    >IE 5.0 for WIN 98 / 98 SE /2000 / 2000 sp1
    >not affected
    >IE 5.0 For Mac
    >not tested on :
    >Win 95 , Win ME
    >The Bug :
    >the following url Crash IE : "ftp://whatever//.#./"
    >Vendor status
    >Microsoft has been notice during the week and they have told me that the
    >bug will be fix in the next Service pack.
    >First it doesn't work with http:// . We could also notify that when we put
    >this link in a web page and we select it and trie to copy the link we get
    >"ftp://whatever//#./" instead of "ftp://whatever//.#./" . Of course
    >"ftp://whatever//#./" crash IE as well... It is the same for the status bar
    >: we could read "ftp://whatever//#./" instead of "ftp://whatever//.#./" .
    >Finally if you tape very slowly in the address field this url, It crash
    >also IE, That's why i suppose that IE 4 is not vulnerable to this.
    >I have make more investigation and find out this :
    >) it's a call of msieftp.dll who cause the crash. i have determine this
    >by using a debugger
    >according to the following code :
    >7120B8D3 push dword ptr [ebp+14h]
    >7120B8D6 call dword ptr ds:[712012D8h] //this is what cause the crash
    >7120B8DC cmp byte ptr [eax],0
    >7120B8DF jne 7120B93A
    >7120B8E1 lea eax,[ebp+8]
    >7120B8E4 push eax
    ><--snipe -->
    >7120B93A mov eax,edi
    >7120B93C pop edi
    >7120B93D pop esi
    >7120B93E leave
    >7120B93F ret 14h
    >7120B942 push ebp
    >7120B943 mov ebp,esp
    >It doesn't seems to been exploitable to me, but may be you will find
    >Elie Aka Lupin Bursztein
    >ICQ : 32228319
    >Web :
    >"He feel safe, At this very moment he was lost..."

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