un-hibernating laptop using old network settings

From: Andrew Daviel (andrewat_private)
Date: Sun Jul 01 2001 - 22:09:06 PDT

  • Next message: Brian Tan: "Re: Cisco IOS HTTP Configuration Exploit"

    Recently a laptop brought onsite here from another site triggered
    an IDS alert.
    It seems the laptop was placed in hibernate mode at
    the other site then awakened on our network. It proceeded to use in-RAM
    network settings and sent a flurry of DNS requests to offsite servers.
    I believe it was running DHCP and don't fully understand how it was
    able to find the new gateway without changing the DNS settings too.
    Clearly laptops using static settings are going to use old values if
    the owner forgets, but I thought DHCP fixed that.
    I have a feeling that there might be more subtle security issues
    relating to hibernating a system in a trusted environment and awakening it
    in an untrusted one, apart from user education issues, but can't put my
    finger on any just now.
    Andrew Daviel, TRIUMF, Canada
    Tel. +1 (604) 222-7376

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