Re: un-hibernating laptop using old network settings

From: Curt Wilson (netw3at_private)
Date: Wed Jul 04 2001 - 11:09:05 PDT

  • Next message: Ron DuFresne: "Re: un-hibernating laptop using old network settings"

    This might be off base, but perhaps the system used 
    ICMP router discovery protocol (IRDP) to find your gateway?
    We've got several systems in our network that receive
    a dynamic IP address when making a secure connection to
    a financial providers data network. These systems don't have
    a gateway specified on their ethernet interface and snort
    picks up frequent IRDP router discovery messages from this
    box as well as systems on the local segment that don't have
    a default gateway set (since they don't need to see anything
    but the local segment anyway).
    Just an idea.
    At 10:09 PM 7/1/2001 -0700, Andrew Daviel wrote:
    >It seems the laptop was placed in hibernate mode at
    >the other site then awakened on our network. It proceeded to use in-RAM
    >network settings and sent a flurry of DNS requests to offsite servers.
    >I believe it was running DHCP and don't fully understand how it was
    >able to find the new gateway without changing the DNS settings too.
    | Curt R. Wilson   *   Netw3 Consulting  *    |
    |    Internet Security, Networking, PC tech,  WWW hosting     |
    | Netw3 Security Reading Room :  |
    |  Serving Southern Illinois locally and the world virtually  |  
    |            netw3at_private     618-303-NET3                 |

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