Re: rain

From: Dan Kaminsky (dankaminat_private)
Date: Mon Jul 02 2001 - 06:19:39 PDT

  • Next message: matias: "Re: dumb idea(s) (tm)"

    > Hello. Someone recommended I post this program to you. I hope you find it
    > interesting:
    This is effectively a tool for sending various types of semi-random floods
    towards an IP destination.  It seems more suited to stack testing than DoS,
    though(its floods are reasonably filterable).
    This brings up an interesting question:  Perhaps there should be a
    reasonable toolkit for testing network services--something like "netfuzz",
    that would send various patterns at different load levels heuristically
    seeking those patterns that might cause instabilities.
    *So* many daemons are released that can't handle even minor amounts of noise
    that this might actually be a useful general purpose tool *before* releasing
    code to test your daemons against.  Particularly if one could compile their
    clients against a randomizing fuzz library(i.e. so only an individual
    argument on a request would be suddenly sent out of bounds).
    Perhaps no library would be needed at all...think, "noisy netcat" :-)
    Yours Truly,
        Dan Kaminsky, CISSP

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