Re: Telnetd exploit for solaris

From: Marc Soda (msodaat_private)
Date: Fri Sep 07 2001 - 05:49:48 PDT

  • Next message: Chip Carpenter: "Re: coding (was: Re: CodeGreen beta release (idq-patcher/antiCodeRed/etc.)"

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    > What's wrong with just giving a detailed explanation that aids in
    > how to fix the problem in detail compared to something that can just
    > be compiled straight off the list.
    Would you stake your job and reputation on that?  I NEED to see that
    the patch I am applying worked before I put my seal of approval on it.
    To many times vendor patches don't solve the problem and without the
    exploit to test it, you'll never know.  Granted, you could take this
    to the extreme and just write your own telnetd or whatever, but that's
    a little impractical. ;)
    I think it's every good sysadmin's duty to perform their own analysis,
    otherwise we're just mindless drones, applying a patch when we're told
    to.  You can't take pride in that.  If you blindly trust everything
    you hear, without seeing for yourself, you won't last long in this
    Or maybe he just has an obsession with knowing how things work.  I
    know I do... to a fault.
    - -- 
    Marc Soda
    ASPRE, Inc.
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