re: Civil Disobedience

From: Sould3mon (Sould3monat_private)
Date: Tue Oct 16 2001 - 11:49:47 PDT

  • Next message: Thorat_private: "Re: Civil Disobedience"

    ----- Original Message -----
    From: "Sould3mon" <Sould3monat_private>
    To: "br0ken halo" <x_burningat_private>
    Sent: Tuesday, October 16, 2001 8:48 PM
    Subject: Re: Civil Disobedience
    > what if there were never hackers and all bug's exploits woulnd have been
    > "found" or just later on  it would mean the internet would be still so
    > unsafe now programers are watching their backs and test their stuff better
    > so it's harder to exploit if hackers wern't here a 13 year old could hack
    > somthing important  bank  gov and stuff like that  and believe or not most
    > hackers are  admin's  or security people  not that they hack other pc's
    > there is no better vieuw of your own network  trough a hackers eye's if
    > how to hack it you know to secure it  (own network ) and you would know
    > information is special vurnable so the true hackers are good  other
    > wich breakin other peoples network are maybe not doing it the right way
    > it is the only way that a admin will believe  his network is vurnable
    > would you admins listen to a email from like 15 year old that say's your
    > network is vurnable  probably most wont take them serrious  lets say i
    > call email a brand of a program and say i found a bug  you can bet on it
    > wont be fixed in the week or month's   but  if  theire is a exploit  or
    > networks get hacked   voila  and a patch is their in 2 weeks or faster i
    > think if admins or network security listen to people no matter what their
    > age is  there would  be so much hacking as is today  most hackers do not
    > even try to email the person anymore
    > ** example**  i heard about the iss  bug  and i knew my school had iss  so
    > warned them   even 2 month's (update was already out )  later you could
    > acces the  system trough the bug so just ignored my warning so what i did
    > was just in the main dir  c:\  making lots of difrent dirs  with the name
    > you are vurnable in difrent way's ofcourse i think it were about 10   but
    > now they listen cuz the fact was there some1 was in the system making
    > dirs they finaly patched it  (though i honest said i was the person that
    > made the dirs ) admin din't mind he said i had  to listen to you the first
    > time *** i know the lots of admins here do update's and stuff cuz there
    > notified of the bugs and exploites but alot don't and there to proud to
    > listen to a teenager saying he is vurnable i am not saying hacking is good
    > but i do say without it   we would be alot unsafer

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