Re: [NGSEC] Whitepaper Released: Polymorphic shellcodes vs.ApplicationIDSs

From: Gerardo Richarte (
Date: Mon Jan 28 2002 - 12:09:29 PST

  • Next message: Charles 'core' Stevenson: "Looking for old Interbase proof-of-concept exploit"

    Pavel Kankovsky wrote:
    > The time has come to replace nop with another harmless instruction?
        On the same lines we've been talking about this with some friends and coworkers,
    i'll just add another $0.02 in the name of all this ppl :)
        is    nop                         a nop?, sure man!
        is    inc %eax                 a nop?, erm... well... yes
        is    mov $1,%al            a nop?, yessss...
        is    mov %esp, %ebp   a nop? well.. yes..
        what is a nop?
        as futo said...
        is a quicksort routing a nop?
        is Windows NT mostly a nop?
        as futo and cmg said:
        determining what a nop is is harder than the halting problem, or at least, equivalent
        I think we have to go back to antivirus, we need to take a look at what antiviral companies
    learned, and use that knowledge.
        I don't like some of the methods very much, for example some of them create a virtual
    machine and execute the suspected program in a sand box ( and for example).
        I wouldn't recomend that, but anybody can use it :)
        And as for the alignment problem, on a lot of exploits you know if you are returning to an address
    aligned to 4 or not...
        well.. as i said, just some more $0.02
       .byte    0xb0
       .byte    0xb8
       call    a
       .byte    0xc0
       pop    %eax:
    --- for a personal reply use: Gerardo Richarte <geraat_private>

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