Problem with FreeBSD's version of SED

From: keoki (keokiat_private)
Date: Tue Feb 05 2002 - 23:30:03 PST

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     ('binary' encoding is not supported, stored as-is)
    A problem exist in FreeBSD's version of SED, that 
    when you specify last line and do not get contents of 
    hold area and then delete the first part of a pattern 
    space against a file which contains two lines or more, 
    it results in a Segmentation fault "coredump". 
    This is the following two instructions explained above. 
    sed '$!g; D' file 
    And "file" containing two or more lines. 
    When you specify last line and GET the contents of 
    the hold area and then delete the first part of the 
    pattern space, it results in a Segmentation fault as 
    Which is the following two instructions, 
    sed '$g; D' file 
    [keoki@jeff:~/test] for i in 1 2; do echo "blah" >> 
    example; done 
    [keoki@jeff:~/test] sed '$!g; D' example 
    Segmentation fault (core dumped) 
    [keoki@jeff:~/test] sed '$g; D' example 
    Segmentation fault (core dumped) 
    Then I get the following using gdb on sed.core 
    [keoki@jeff:~/test] gdb sed sed.core 
    #0 0x280da416 in memmove () from /usr/lib/ 
    Then at address 0x280da416, which is 
    0x280da416 <memmove+26>: repz movsl %ds:(%
    I believe the problem resides in proccess.c 
    Which is located in /usr/src/usr.bin/sed/ 
    and at line 145 of proccess.c, which is memmove
    (ps, p + 1, psl); in the following case statement, 
    case 'D': 
    if (pd) 
    goto new; 
    if ((p = memchr(ps, '\n', psl - 1)) == NULL) { 
    pd = 1; 
    goto new; 
    } else { 
    psl -= (p + 1) - ps; 
    memmove(ps, p + 1, psl); 
    goto top; 
    I haven't tested on NetBSD or openBSD's version of 
    sed. I only have tested on FreeBSD. Also note, sed !
    = gsed. And this problem doesn't exist in gsed, which 
    is what most linux distros afaik use as "sed". 
    -- keoki 

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