Re: CSS implication

From: HarryM (
Date: Thu Mar 21 2002 - 02:18:11 PST

  • Next message: Thorat_private: "Re: IDS and SSL"

    > Although very simular to XSS writting SSI, PHP, or any other kind of
    > side language is not XSS, but rather a remote file writting vulnerability.
    > The difference is there and I don't feel we should confuse the two.  I am
    > not sure if you would call client side scriptting that is saved to a file
    > the server XSS, but I personally do not count it as such.
    I don't agree at all, if anything, grabbing a file from another site and
    executing php in it is more XSS as I understand it, since you're 'crossing'
    servers to get the code. If this isn't XSS then what about reaching to
    another domain to download a .js file for execution, like the recent
    vulnerabilities on online news pages? Perhaps there should be different
    terms for clientside/serverside XSS vulns but i feel they fall under the
    same category.

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