Re: IDS and SSL

From: Thorat_private
Date: Thu Mar 21 2002 - 06:08:47 PST

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    At 08:06 PM 3/19/2002, Gabriel Lawrence wrote:
    >Second, you can use an SSL terminator. There are many vendors who have
    >products that do this, some of them are simply SSL terminators and some
    >of them include other features such as load balancing as part of the
    >package. If you place the IDS on the non encrypted side of the SSL
    >terminator you are free to look at the HTTP traffic as it flows by as it
    >is all unencrypted.
    ISA Server can do this.  I'm not sure if it would still be referred to as 
    an "SSL Terminator," but ISA can establish and publish HTTPS to an internal 
    server over HTTP where the traffic can be examined once it is inside your 
    own network.
    Someone referred to this as a "chokepoint," but ISA is doing the same job 
    that the web server would have to do, only upstream a bit.  I think the 
    ability to monitor the traffic, plus all the other cool things ISA does is 
    well worth the slight publishing overhead created by implementing it.
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