Re: Problem with xkill

From: xm (xmat_private)
Date: Fri Mar 22 2002 - 14:06:47 PST

  • Next message: Valdis.Kletnieksat_private: "Re: Problem with xkill"

    On Fri, 22 Mar 2002, Anthony Gruppuso wrote:
    > normal user, but what amazed me, was the my xkill process, as a normal
    > user, was able to kill a process that did not belong to me.  The other
    > user clicked the cursor on an xterm, and it died.  I checked to see if
    > the xkill binary was setuid root, but it was not.  This is definatley
    > not a good 'feature.' :)  Input on this logic would be greatly
    From the Linux xkill manpage:
           Xkill is a utility for forcing the X server to close  con-
           nections  to clients.
    It is not directly killing the program but forcing the X server to close
    the client's connection. The security issue at hand is allowing you to
    connect to his xserver (with the xkill binary).
    xmat_private           (

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