Problem with xkill

From: Anthony Gruppuso (AGruppusat_private)
Date: Fri Mar 22 2002 - 11:54:03 PST

  • Next message: anthony gruppuso: "RE: Problem with xkill"

    To all,
    I don't know what possesed me to try this, but under Digital UNIX 5.0,
    as a normal user, I was able to set my DISPLAY to the IP address of
    another user who was running a seperate session, and run xkill.
    Naturally   the xkill cursor was sent to the display of the 'other'
    normal user, but what amazed me, was the my xkill process, as a normal
    user, was able to kill a process that did not belong to me.  The other
    user clicked the cursor on an xterm, and it died.  I checked to see if
    the xkill binary was setuid root, but it was not.  This is definatley
    not a good 'feature.' :)  Input on this logic would be greatly
    Best Regards,
    Anthony (Joe) Gruppuso

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