So, it's not more hard to upload a staticaly linked version of the same telnet program on the box... I really think that when you give a shell to someone, you assume he'll be able to launch code, by thousands of ways. On Wed, 24 Apr 2002 22:18:12 -0400 "Tech Support" <techat_private> wrote: > > Even if /home isn't mounted as noexec you can still prevent it if you do it > right: > [support@shell matth]$ telnet > bash: /usr/bin/telnet: Permission denied > [support@shell matth]$ ls -l /usr/bin/telnet > -rwxr-x--- 1 root outgoing 62304 Apr 15 1999 /usr/bin/telnet > [support@shell matth]$ cp /usr/bin/telnet ~/ > cp: /usr/bin/telnet: Permission denied
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