RE: Wlan @ bestbuy is cleartext?

From: Deus, Attonbitus (Thorat_private)
Date: Wed May 01 2002 - 15:03:06 PDT

  • Next message: Ron DuFresne: "Re: SECURITY CAMERA WAR DRIVING"

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    At 11:48 AM 5/1/2002, Vachon, Scott wrote:
    > >Search for "whistleblowers guide" on Google :)
    >They monitor the lists :)
    Indeed they do.  Which is why I really hope that they read HC's post before 
    they start regurgitating an article out of this.
    So far, all we really know is that someone has claimed that they saw what 
    looks like a credit card number in a packet dump. Further assumption is 
    that it came from Best Buy.  We don't have any real information of any 
    value, yet people are already talking about who is legally liable, and 
    talking about how investigative journalists should be contacted and the 
    Better Business Bureau notified.
    The entire pretense is a bit fishy to me- particularly already having 
    Kismet on the laptop and ready to go before even buying the wlan card.
    How about post the packets?  Got to anonymizer if you have to.
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