Re: Publishing Nimda Logs - Summary

From: Deus, Attonbitus (Thorat_private)
Date: Wed May 08 2002 - 10:42:41 PDT

  • Next message: Dug Song: "Publishing Nimda Logs == BAD IDEA"

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    At 10:09 AM 5/8/2002, Jonathan Bloomquist wrote:
    >I lean more to the side of shaming the admins into
    >fixing them than ignoring them.  However, sending a
    >message is one thing, but actually patching their box
    >is going a bit too far for me even if it is to help
    >them.  Warn 'em, shame 'em, scream at 'em, and mail
    >bomb their ISP until they take action, but make each
    >site patch themselves.
    >"If we kill 'em they won't learn nuthin'."
    Great quote...
    Just so as everyone knows, I was not saying that you advocated a 
    reverse-patch... I was just pointing out use of the root.exe (I know- just 
    the mention of that file in text will cause me to receive many "You are 
    infected!" auto-responders) was cool- from a technical standpoint.
    Someone in another post actually brought up patching the box, and I was 
    running with it.
    Here is what I want to do- Discussing the theory and legality and all that 
    is fine, but does not really get us anywhere.  I am willing to dedicate 
    time to this to experiment if there is someone out there with the technical 
    expertise to pull it off.  I'll even host it on to test it 
    in the wild.
    The first thing to do is to determine exactly what is necessary to patch 
    the system, or if an actual "patch" is even necessary.  I wrote a little 
    app called Mutex (in the downloads section of that 
    loads a named mutex that prevents Nimda from running.- something like that 
    would be an easy place to start.
    I know many of you are vehemently opposed to any sort of action like this, 
    but we're talking 5 billion attempts per day, and something has to be done 
    about it.  Let's get a working model on the table, prove it works, and then 
    see what happens.
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