php file injection

From: r0manat_private
Date: Fri May 31 2002 - 00:59:24 PDT

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     Fast silly question: let's suppose a .php where you have:
    - a variable $template, which could be set up by an attacker
    -the script creates a new variable adding a file-extension:
     $file = $ template + ".txt"
    - finally it does a open($file).
     Well, it is quite evident that an attacker could easily read any .txt
    file on the system. But, would it be possible for an attacker to read
    *any* file (with *any* extension)? (for instance, /etc/passwd).
     In perl there are some tricks like %00 that could help us to get rid
    of the file extension, but I don't know of any similar trick in .php.

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