RE: wireless woes in the triangle and beyond!

From: Ron DuFresne (dufresneat_private)
Date: Mon Jun 03 2002 - 20:12:17 PDT

  • Next message: Elan Hasson: "RE: Buffer Overflow with all versions of Internet Explorer and Javacript."

    Computerworld has run a story, seems the concern about CVS and petsmart is
    not as worrysome for customer info, they only have their inventory exposed
    -- here's the CVS/PEYsMART story,10801,71644,00.html
    As well as a really intereresting one on rogue APs:,10801,71656,00.html
    Thanks to:
    Bob Brewin
    wireelss reporter
    For the URLs posted above.
    I'll be posting a web page to highlight any insecured wep related customer
    information issues folks find in their wireless mapping efforts.  We are
    asking that if you find a company with insecure wiless setups, to verify
    that they are indeed pushing customer related info out the airwaves.
    Merely noting they are operating without wep enabled will not suffice.
    Those that send info for posting to the page listed below can either have
    that information posted anonymous or take credit for the information, just
    include your wish in the e-mail you send.  Not asking to be given credit
    and not asking to be anonymous will result in the information being posted
    Ron DuFresne

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