RE: [7.8.2002 44916] Notice of Copyright Infringement

From: wozzat_private
Date: Thu Jul 11 2002 - 11:11:56 PDT

  • Next message: Carey, Steve T ISD: "RE: IE without Images"

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    People seem to be missing the point.
    The law REQUIRES the cable company to turn you off if a copyright holder files a complaint.  The cable company has no discretion in the matter.  The law also provides for the consumer to file a counterclaim that the material is not copyrighted and get their access restored.
    This has nothing to do with the cable companies wanting to cut you off.  They actually have to pay large numbers of people to sit around and answer the hundreds of complaints they get a day from copyright holders, and then they have to go piss off their customers or they are liable for the copyright violation.  Cable companies aren't any happier about the law than you are (unless they're content owners themselves, ala Time Warner)
    None of this falls on the cable company.  This is a law that was passed by your elected representatives.  If you don't like it, get it changed.  If this thread concerns you, I suggest you familiarize yourself with the facts of these incidents, instead of assuming the cable companies are out to get you because they don't like you.
    Look here:
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