Re: format strings vulns in /bin/login and /usr/bin/passwd

From: Brian Hatch (vuln-devat_private)
Date: Mon Jan 27 2003 - 11:31:58 PST

  • Next message: Jeff Moss: "Black Hat Announcements"

    > Hello while doing a scan for format strings vulns on util-linux package 
    > it came back with the following results.
    > ./login.c:398 FUNC fprintf
    > ./login.c:425 FUNC fprintf
    > ./login.c:597 FUNC fprintf
    > ./login.c:614 FUNC fprintf
    > ./login.c:775 FUNC printf
    > ./login.c:796 FUNC fprintf
    > ./login.c:800 FUNC fprintf
    > ./login.c:1109 FUNC syslog
    This doesn't mean that these are vulnerable function calls.  For
    	fprintf(stderr, "Sorry, your password is invalid");
    	syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "User %s is a moron", username);
    are completly legitimate ways to call these functions and don't
    have any vulnerability in them that anyone knows about currently.
    The presense of a function that *could* be used poorly doesn't
    mean it *is* used poorly.  Sounds like you're just grepping for
    potential abuses.  Now you need to go and look at how the functions
    are actually called.  For example
    	syslog(LOG_NOTICE, some_char_array_using_user_input);
    is definately a bad way to write it.  Whether the call is actually
    exploitable is a different question.  But regardless it should be fixed.
    Brian Hatch                  Linux. The OS for
       Systems and                those with an IQ
       Security Engineer          greater than 98.
    Every message PGP signed

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