Re: Non registering shell

From: Rory Savage (rsavageat_private)
Date: Fri Feb 28 2003 - 07:50:16 PST

  • Next message: sk: "Re: freeconsole()"

       Now that you mention it, I think it was a backdoor (a special
    rootshell).  Can any provide URLs to example backdoors?
    On Thu, 2003-02-27 at 14:45, Brian Hatch wrote:
    > > I have a question I hope somebody will be able to answer.  I am looking
    > > for code to build a UNIX shell which is immune to system process listing
    > > and or logged by the syslog facility, is this possible?  I used to work
    > > for a government contractor , and met a UNIX systems programmer who
    > > wrote a shell which made his work invisible.  Can anyone share info on
    > > this?
    > You mean you want to be able to run commands from a 'magic' shell
    > and have those commands invisible from ps, top, lsof, etc?
    > No, this is not possible.  The kernel keeps track of all running
    > processes.  (If it didn't, it wouldn't be able to give them access
    > to system calls, CPU, etc.)  The kernel is where process reporting
    > programs such as ps, top, lsof, and friends get their information
    > from.  You cannot have a shell that 'outfoxes' the kernel.
    > You can modify the kernel to not report processes if you
    > 	* have a loadable kernel module that intercepts process
    > 	  listing accesses and hides certain processes from the list
    > 	* modfify the process reporting structure, such as the
    > 	  /proc filesystem, to hide these processes
    > Now someone could determine that a process did exist by using 'kill'
    > and noting when a non-existant process id returned a 'permission denied'
    > instead of 'no such process' depending on how the kernel was modified.
    > One other method could be that you write a shell that modifies the
    > argv[0] of each child.  So instead of calling
    > 	"/bin/cat" "cat" "arg1" "arg2" "arg3" ...
    > you call
    > 	"/bin/cat" "sh" "arg1" "arg2" "arg3" ...
    > to make cat think it's name is 'sh', and the process list will show
    > 'sh' as well.[1]  You'll still have an entry in ps (and the arguments
    > may indicate something is wierd if you saw "sh / -name foo -exec
    > something {} ;" in ps output, since that's clearly 'find' syntax)
    > but it won't be immediately obvious if a user just does a ps for
    > process name, not args.
    > However this will cause problems for any program that actually checks
    > argv[0] - for example gzip, gunzip, and zcat are usually the same file
    > (hardlinks) and it uses argv[0] to determine how it should behave.
    > The other solution would be to backdoor all your process reporting tools
    > and hope no one brings along a pristine copy.
    > So your options are:
    > 	* modify kernel			very effective
    > 	* modify ps/top/etc		somewhat effective
    > 	* new shell that fudges		pretty lame and will break
    > 	  argv[0] of children		some functionality
    > Now if you were talking about more mundane things like not leaving
    > a .history file around, that's trivial.  Reset the appropriate
    > env variables (HISTFILE and/or HISTSAVE for example) and they won't
    > log.  To be 'immune' from syslog, use programs that don't send syslogs,
    > or you could LD_PRELOAD a library that defined openlog, syslog, and
    > closelog to null functions.
    > [1] Depending on your OS, you may still be able to learn the real
    >     process name.  In Linux, for example, /proc/PID/exe will be
    >     a symlink to the real /bin/cat executable.  /proc/PID/stat*
    >     will point out other helpful info too.
    > --
    > Brian Hatch                  Why do "fat chance"
    >    Systems and                and "slim chance"
    >    Security Engineer          mean the same thing?
    > Every message PGP signed

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