Re: Non registering shell

From: Brian Hatch (vuln-devat_private)
Date: Thu Feb 27 2003 - 11:45:15 PST

  • Next message: Bjoern A. Zeeb: "Re: Apache 2.x leaked descriptors"

    > I have a question I hope somebody will be able to answer.  I am looking
    > for code to build a UNIX shell which is immune to system process listing
    > and or logged by the syslog facility, is this possible?  I used to work
    > for a government contractor , and met a UNIX systems programmer who
    > wrote a shell which made his work invisible.  Can anyone share info on
    > this?
    You mean you want to be able to run commands from a 'magic' shell
    and have those commands invisible from ps, top, lsof, etc?
    No, this is not possible.  The kernel keeps track of all running
    processes.  (If it didn't, it wouldn't be able to give them access
    to system calls, CPU, etc.)  The kernel is where process reporting
    programs such as ps, top, lsof, and friends get their information
    from.  You cannot have a shell that 'outfoxes' the kernel.
    You can modify the kernel to not report processes if you
    	* have a loadable kernel module that intercepts process
    	  listing accesses and hides certain processes from the list
    	* modfify the process reporting structure, such as the
    	  /proc filesystem, to hide these processes
    Now someone could determine that a process did exist by using 'kill'
    and noting when a non-existant process id returned a 'permission denied'
    instead of 'no such process' depending on how the kernel was modified.
    One other method could be that you write a shell that modifies the
    argv[0] of each child.  So instead of calling
    	"/bin/cat" "cat" "arg1" "arg2" "arg3" ...
    you call
    	"/bin/cat" "sh" "arg1" "arg2" "arg3" ...
    to make cat think it's name is 'sh', and the process list will show
    'sh' as well.[1]  You'll still have an entry in ps (and the arguments
    may indicate something is wierd if you saw "sh / -name foo -exec
    something {} ;" in ps output, since that's clearly 'find' syntax)
    but it won't be immediately obvious if a user just does a ps for
    process name, not args.
    However this will cause problems for any program that actually checks
    argv[0] - for example gzip, gunzip, and zcat are usually the same file
    (hardlinks) and it uses argv[0] to determine how it should behave.
    The other solution would be to backdoor all your process reporting tools
    and hope no one brings along a pristine copy.
    So your options are:
    	* modify kernel			very effective
    	* modify ps/top/etc		somewhat effective
    	* new shell that fudges		pretty lame and will break
    	  argv[0] of children		some functionality
    Now if you were talking about more mundane things like not leaving
    a .history file around, that's trivial.  Reset the appropriate
    env variables (HISTFILE and/or HISTSAVE for example) and they won't
    log.  To be 'immune' from syslog, use programs that don't send syslogs,
    or you could LD_PRELOAD a library that defined openlog, syslog, and
    closelog to null functions.
    [1] Depending on your OS, you may still be able to learn the real
        process name.  In Linux, for example, /proc/PID/exe will be
        a symlink to the real /bin/cat executable.  /proc/PID/stat*
        will point out other helpful info too.
    Brian Hatch                  Why do "fat chance"
       Systems and                and "slim chance"
       Security Engineer          mean the same thing?
    Every message PGP signed

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