Re: strcpy bug

From: Dave Korn (davek_throwawayat_private)
Date: Wed Jun 04 2003 - 21:00:39 PDT

  • Next message: Dave: "Exploiting new IE Object Type Overflow"

    ----- Original Message -----
    From: "xenophi1e" <oliver.laveryat_private>
    To: <vuln-devat_private>
    Sent: Sunday, June 01, 2003 1:23 AM
    Subject: strcpy bug
    >Noticed this while looking for something else. EIP is smacked with a 268
    >byte filename argument. Anyone know an interesting bit of software that
    >calls LZOpenFileA or W?
    >.text:77EB63B6 ; ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦ S U B R O U T I N E
    >.text:77EB63B6 ; Attributes: bp-based frame
    >.text:77EB63B6 ; INT __stdcall LZOpenFileA(LPSTR,LPOFSTRUCT,WORD)
    >.text:77EB63B6                 public LZOpenFileA
    The windows "Search for files and folders" utility will search binaries and
    can often find the linkage names of functions and dlls they call.  None
    showed up when I searched my w2ksp2 \winnt\system32 folder.  The following
    files link against lz32.dll:
    fontext.dll   - calls LZOpenFileW
    setupapi.dll - ditto
    t2embed.dll - calls LZOpenFileA
    version.dll - LZCreateFileW
    iis.dll - LZOpenFileW
    let's just see if the unicode version is equally lousy....
    759b15be 55 push ebp
    759b15bf 8bec mov ebp,esp
    759b15c1 81ec14010000 sub esp,0x114
    759b15c7 8b4508 mov eax,[ebp+0x8]
    759b15ca 50 push eax
    759b15cb 8945fc mov [ebp-0x4],eax
    759b15ce ff1580109b75 call dword ptr [LZ32!_imp__wcslen (759b1080)]
    759b15d4 d1e0 shl eax,1
    kd> u
    759b15d6 668945f8 mov [ebp-0x8],ax
    759b15da 8b45f8 mov eax,[ebp-0x8]
    759b15dd 83c002 add eax,0x2
    759b15e0 59 pop ecx
    759b15e1 668945fa mov [ebp-0x6],ax
    759b15e5 8d85ecfeffff lea eax,[ebp-0x114]
    759b15eb 8945f4 mov [ebp-0xc],eax
    759b15ee 8d45f8 lea eax,[ebp-0x8]
    kd> u
    759b15f1 6a00 push 0x0
    759b15f3 50 push eax
    759b15f4 8d45f0 lea eax,[ebp-0x10]
    759b15f7 66c745f20401 mov word ptr [ebp-0xe],0x104
    759b15fd 50 push eax
    759b15fe ff1578109b75 call dword ptr
    [LZ32!_imp__RtlUnicodeStringToAnsiString (759b1078)]
    759b1604 85c0 test eax,eax
    759b1606 7d05 jge LZ32!LZOpenFileW+0x4f (759b160d)
    kd> u
    759b1608 6afb push 0xfb
    759b160a 58 pop eax
    759b160b eb12 jmp LZ32!LZOpenFileW+0x61 (759b161f)
    759b160d ff7510 push dword ptr [ebp+0x10]
    759b1610 8d85ecfeffff lea eax,[ebp-0x114]
    759b1616 ff750c push dword ptr [ebp+0xc]
    759b1619 50 push eax
    759b161a e807ffffff call LZ32!LZOpenFileA (759b1526)
    Bah.  That 0x104 in the size field of the result string from the
    RtlUnicodeStringToAnsiString call not only protects the stack frame, it also
    stops us feeding too long a string through the W version to the A version.
    However, t2embed.dll looks more promising perhaps, since it is linked by
    mshtml.dll.  Hmmmmm.  A quick browse through the visible strings with PE
    view shows it to be something font related, so my guess is that its the
    true-type embedded font dll.  Now, perhaps an LZ-compressed true-type font
    file with a very long name.... ??
    So I guess the answer to your question is "Potentially, IE, OE, MSHta.exe
    and anything else that uses the IE browser engine.  Font-face style tag 
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