Re: shellcode with standard characters

From: sin (sinat_private)
Date: Thu Jun 12 2003 - 15:42:50 PDT

  • Next message: Jose Ronnick: "Re: shellcode with standard characters"

    Hash: SHA1
    along the same idea's of what you are talking about is a phrack article
    called 'Alphanumeric IA32 Shellcode' or simlar, i think its in issue 57.
    basically what your looking for is instructions with opcodes that are
    within your prereq's, and operands to those instructions are within it; i
    myself decided putting the non alphanumeric shellcode on the stack using
    'valid' instructions was the best bet, but i dont understand the modr/m &&
    sib bytes well enough to fully understand the article; and thus wasnt able
    to create a way to jmp or call esp, not without using non alphanumeric
    characters anyways; the authors original idea is somewhat neat in that we
    can use je/jne/jo/etc that use fixed offset's, so as i understood it
    we write our code where certain parts can be called a second time and not
    affect things really; i.e. the first time through the code writes to
    itself and alters what will be execution the second time; the second time
    it actually executes it; but i could be way off base; anyways yes thats
    the only article i know of that covers this; you might look into the
    papers that described like how they got around imapd's toupper() and
    polymorphic/encrypted shellcode papers...
    if you find anything good, let me know
    On Thu, 12 Jun 2003, JohnnyRun wrote:
    > Date: Thu, 12 Jun 2003 11:20:00 +0200
    > From: JohnnyRun <gianni79at_private>
    > To: vuln-devat_private
    > Subject: shellcode with standard characters
    > Hi!
    > This is my first post and I'm looking for some documentation.
    > A friend of mine has produced a segfault with malloc vulnerability on an
    > application.
    > We would like to produce something more interesting.
    > The field overflowed can accept only characters between 0 and 128. Any
    > other character is replaced with a whitespace.
    > Can we inject shellcode with only this characters avaible?
    > Can you suggest me documentation about shellcode writing?
    > Thanks a lot
    > JohnnyRun
    > --
    > -------------------------------
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