RE: [ISN] Interview with an ex-hacker

From: InfoSec News (isnat_private)
Date: Wed Feb 06 2002 - 00:34:52 PST

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    Forwarded from: "Thomas (Yahoo!)" <thomasroygarnerat_private>
    Since when is web-vandalism equal to "terrorized websites" (and since
    when is terrorized spelled w/ an S instead of a Z?).  I believe this
    reporter is setting an extremely dangerous tone by linking the word
    terrorism to vandalism.  With the 100's of new anti-terrorism laws in
    place, we are going to see sweeping changes all in the name of
    "anti-terrorism", example, Super Bowl 36, did anyone catch the
    commercials that stated "some drug money is used to front terrorist
    activities" by using imagery (paying for guns, explosives, seeing a
    person sitting down "building" something).
    I believe that we need to be very careful how we report items, b/c my
    creating a link between web vandalism and terrorism, is going to
    create a new wave of anti-computer "whatever" (i.e., hacking, etc.,)
    raids, like back during the Cyberpunk days (remember that?)
    Thomas Roy Garner
    -----Original Message-----
    From: owner-isnat_private [mailto:owner-isnat_private]On Behalf
    Of InfoSec News
    Sent: Sunday, February 03, 2002 10:32 PM
    To: isnat_private
    Subject: [ISN] Interview with an ex-hacker
    By James Middleton [01-02-2002]
    According to the defacement archive at, the hacker group
    known as the 'sm0ked crew' only terrorised websites throughout
    February of last year.
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