Gzip & segmentation faults

From: Micha³ Zalewski (lcamtufat_private)
Date: Thu Dec 25 1997 - 06:20:40 PST

  • Next message: David LeBlanc: "Re: Gzip & segmentation faults"

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    Few days ago, I noticed a problem(s) with gzip and it's archives.
    Gzip seems to be poorly-written with regard to range checking, so
    it's quite easy to cause segmentation faults and buffer overflows.
    Simpliest ooverflow can be done by passing to gzip/gunzip filename
    longer than 1024 bytes:
    $ gzip blahblahblahblah... [cut!]
    Segmentation fault (core dumped).
    Of course it shouldn't be really dangerous, but I also found
    a few ways to cause segmentation faults (overflows? I'm not sure)
    when 'lightly' altered archive is being uncompressed or even
    _viewed_ with file managers like Midnight Commander.
    If these SEGVs are exploitable overflows (fool's wish...) - even
    viewing files may become dangerous. Of course there's also a chance
    that it isn't exploitable, I have not enough time and experience to
    check it. Maybe it's just another curious bug :)
    Attached example of 'evil' archive (Altered.gz) has been created by
    compressing empty file with gzip's -n switch. After all, byte at offset
    0x0a (one of possibilities :) has been changed.
    Under Linux, attempt of unziping or viewing this file will cause
    nice segmentation fault. MS-DOS gzip screws-up totally.
    I also noticed strange behaviour of VRML 2.0 plugins with M$IE (maybe
    other browsers?) - they believes that every .gz file I wish to view
    must be a compressed VRML file :).
    OK, that's all, if anyone have enough time to check if it's possible
    to exploit this bug... :)
    Michal Zalewski [tel 9690] | finger 2 PGP [lcamtufat_private]
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