- broadcast ICMP list

From: Troy Davis (troyat_private)
Date: Tue Dec 29 1998 - 16:11:27 PST

  • Next message: Ryan Russell: "Re: Comparison of THC-SCAN v2.0 with Sandstorm PhoneSweep 1.02" has the first (relatively) complete database of ICMP
    directed broadcast networks ("smurf amplifiers").  All allocated IP addresses
    ending in .0 or .255 have been pinged and measured, so it's complete short of
    pinging the whole 'Net.
    It's queryable by IP address/subnet/broadcast (same output) and a list of the
    worst 1024 networks, rescanned this morning, is available.
    We're hoping will get enough publicity that admins will be
    pressured - both by user comments and bandwidth limitations - to fix their
    router configurations.
    Troy Davis

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