Mandrake 6.0 .Xauthority

From: Elmer Joandi (elmerat_private)
Date: Sun Aug 15 1999 - 02:01:32 PDT

  • Next message: Hendrik Scholz: "DOS against SuSE's identd"

    Looks like Mandrake 6.0 wont create .Xauthority
    Dont know where and how RedHat does it but there it is.
    Now just installed Mandrake and assumed it to be RH60 clone
    and found after some time that there is just plain
    host authentication and that is quite wide-open.
    I solved the problem with
    echo remove $DISPLAY | xauth ;
    echo generate $DISPLAY | xauth ;
    in  /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc
    which is probably incorrect in detail.

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