remote DoS against inetd and ssh

From: Grzegorz Stelmaszek (gregat_private)
Date: Thu Sep 02 1999 - 23:54:50 PDT

  • Next message: John Gilmore: "Re: NSA key in MSFT Crypto API"

    At the beginning i'd like to excuse all of you if it is commonly well
    known (hmm, i guess it is, but noone patched it ;>.
    Both DoS`s use something known as portfuck (e.g. `while true; do telnet
    host port & done`).
    1. If you use it against any inetd service, inetd will shoutdown that
    service for about 30 minutes (i did not checked, but it seems to be about
    that time).
    2. If you use it against sshd, you have 99% that you crash the mashine in
    few seconds.
    sshd-1.2.26 on Debian 2.0
    sshd-1.2.27 on Debian 2.1
    sshd-1.2.27 on RedHat 5.2
    inetd - one provided with Debian 2.0/2.1/Redhat 5.2
    all above platforms are VULNURABLE to this attack
    Allows any user to hang many machines in the Internet (i guess that only
    these behind a firewall are secure ;>
    propaply running in ulimit envirmont (like qmail does) should help and
    additionally in inetd remove this strange 'protection'.
      greg AKA VanitaS
    * Grzegorz Stelmaszek        *          For my public PGP key:
    * mailto:gregat_private       *           finger:gregat_private
    *        *         18 E9 5E 6D 78 F0 11 F2
    ******************************         45 CF CF 63 77 C0 A4 20

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