, sloppy SSI handling in Apache? (VD#2)

From: Blue Boar (BlueBoarat_private)
Date: Fri Nov 05 1999 - 23:28:44 PST

  • Next message: Blue Boar: "Overflow in Alibaba Web Server 2.0 (VD#4)"

    Periodically, the moderator of of the vuln-dev mailing list will post
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    There exists a vulnerability in the guestbook CGI program from Matt's
    Given a particular set of configuration options (see below) it is possible
    for anyone to enter Server-Side Include (SSI) commands via the guestbook
    script.  Matt was mailed, and I received no response.  However, the script
    is open-source, and the fix should be easy.
    If you're running the guestbook program, AND you have HTML posting enabled
    (this is a guestbook configuration option) AND you have SSI enabled for
    .html files, you are vulnerable.  Other configurations may be vulnerable if
    customizations have been made, for example modifying the
    script to write to guestbook.shtml instead of guestbook.html, and having
    SSI enabled on .shtml files.
    Here's the vulnerability:  When leaving a guestbook entry, type in some SSI
    code.  The SSI capabilities are powerful, and include the ability (for
    example) to read any file the web server process has rights to, or execute
    arbitrary shell commands.  The results will be "posted" to the guestbook
    for all to see.  It makes a great HTTP shell.
    The format of the SSI command entered is as follows:
    <!--#exec cmd="cat /etc/group"
    You should place this command (or other desired command) somewhere in the
    The format of the command is part of the problem, and why I'm thinking
    there may be some sloppiness in Apache.  It appears that there is an
    assumption that SSI commands tend to be on lines by themselves, and are of
    the format:
    <!--# (SSI command) -->
    In my testing with the most recent Apache at the time (1.3.9) I found it
    took any of the following:
    <!--#exec cmd="cat /etc/group"-->
    <!--#exec cmd="cat /etc/group">
    <!--#exec cmd="cat /etc/group"
    It also didn't seem to matter that it was in the middle of a line of HTML.
    Here's the problem line from the script:
    $value =~ s/<!--(.|\n)*-->//g;
    As you can see, there is an assumption that SSI commands always end in -->
    .  It ought to be easy for a RegEx expert to post a working substitute, so
    please do.  (I'm not a RegEx expert, and I didn't get a firm fix.)  Users
    ought to be able to patch themselves.
    I'm actually a bit more worried about how many other scripts make this
    assumption, and how long Apache has been making that be a bad assumption.
    Search engines ought to make it easy to find potentially vulnerable hosts.
    A script to test for it would be relatively easy as well, so if you use the
    guestbook, be sure to patch it quickly.
    Does this sound like this set of circumstances would be rare?  Perhaps, but
    I found that the web hosting service that my site (
    ) lives on forces on it's clients, via a shared cgi-bin
    directory.  And yes, by reviewing the httpd.conf, I can see that some
    virtual sites have SSI enabled for .html.
    There is (IMNSHO) a very interesting thread on this topic in the vuln-dev
    archives for those who want to see all the parties involved in finding this
    bug, and the thought process behind it, starting on September 13, 1999.

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